I've received some English-speaking scripts, but I was not interested in them.

  • -- Audrey Tautou 奥黛丽陶头



And they were writing scripts where Christine had hit the glass ceiling. And I always thought Christine would never hit the glass ceiling. I thought her dreams would take her. Maybe her dreams wouldn't take her where she wanted, but she still had her dreams.


I was told by the general manager that a white player had received a higher raise than me. Because white people required more money to live than black people. That is why I wasn't going to get a raise.


I received an honorary doctorate for my work. Maybe one of these works is considered the equivalent of a Ph.D.


I'm not sure I'm the sort of actor people are hugely interested in finding out an awful lot about.


I'm as interested in the families and communities that surround our soldiers.


I've auctioned off many scripts and will continue to do so for good causes.
