Being in this business for as long as I've been in it, it's sort of like living in a town or a city before the war and then after the war and then during the reconstruction and then during the time that it sprawls out to the malls.

  • -- Carly Simon 卡莉赛门



But it's funny that now I'm in such a happy situation, I look more objectively at my own past and see what others have seen for a long time and I'm just so glad I've been able to get to this point.


Pretty much every time I try something different or do something in front of a live audience, I truly think they might throw peanuts at me.


Dancing is a wonderful training for girls, it's the first way you learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it.


You can only mend the vase so many times before you have to chuck it away.
