Humanitarianism consists in never sacrificing a human being to a purpose.

  • -- Albert Schweitzer 艾伯特·施韦策



Fulfill - you can far more than fulfill - the brightest anticipations of those who, in the name of human freedom, and in the face of threats that have ripened into terrible realities since, fought that battle which placed you where you now stand.


The evolution of humans can not only be seen as the grand total of their wars; it is also defined by the evolution of the human mind and the development of the human consciousness.


I'm really, really enjoying myself, I seem to have a lot of purpose in my life. I'm enjoying what I'm doing, you know, and people are liking it. So, it's great, you know.


Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.


The real art of conducting consists in transitions.
