Building a successful company (or living a happy life, for that matter) is not about embracing someone else's philosophy, but staying true to your own beliefs about the world and learning from the mistakes you make along the way.

  • -- Ben Parr 本·帕尔



I think people with open minds will observe the way we do things and realize that our goal is to have successful, happy, productive adults, and they will take our ideas and implement them elsewhere for their own children.


If I had been at a University I don't think I would have been able to have the experience I had in my Smithsonian work. I don't think I have been as successful.


In fame's temple there is always a niche to be found for rich dunces, importunate scoundrels, or successful butchers of the human race.


As I said to Ringo, I was in a successful Rock N Roll band. He was in a band that changed the world. That's the difference.


Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.


My buildings will be my legacy... they will speak for me long after I'm gone.
