The world of modeling can be hard; just as cruel as it is glamorous.

  • -- Cindy Margolis 辛迪·玛格丽丝



Fiction is a kind of compassion-generating machine that saves us from sloth. Is life kind or cruel? Yes, Literature answers. Are people good or bad? You bet, says Literature. But unlike other systems of knowing, Literature declines to eradicate one truth in favor of another.


We became somewhat household names really quickly, within a matter of - what? - three, four months. So it's hard to get used to, and it's really sometimes hard to understand.


If we're so cruel to minorities, why do they keep coming here? Why aren't they sneaking across the Mexican border to make their way to the Taliban?


I'm having fun playing with clothes now. I didn't used to appreciate the clothes as much when I was modeling. It was a job.


I'm hard on myself, so I'm working on shifting perspective toward self-acceptance, with all my flaws and weaknesses.


Modeling was never a passion of mine.
