Rock musicians, and a vast array of popular-music musicians, due to their wealth, acquired through the mass of their notoriety, are able to be listened to and heard and thus are able to effect change on an international level.

  • -- Bill Dixon 比尔·迪克森



You should never rely on interviews with musicians as being factual. Most of them are mangled and even have made up stuff in them, that is to say, made up stuff by the writer or editor.


I was looking for the people who were making the music inside the cabinet. I would look in there and see if I could find somebody who was making all this wonderful music.


What we have to get clear to kids is that when you offer your stillness and open yourself to the experience of music, it pays you back more than you give.


There's a lot of integrity with musicians; you really still aspire to grow, and be great, to be the best version of yourself you can be.
