I learned pretty quickly that you need to be careful who you trust.

  • -- Unknown 佚名



If there's one thing i've learned in life, it's to fight. Fight for what's right. Fight for what you believe in, what's important to you. But most importantly, fight for the once you love, and never forget to tell anyone how much they mean to you while they're still alive.


One can always come up with funny lists and jokes. You know what? I take it back. Not everyone can always come up with funny lists and some jokes. I'm very lucky to have a gift where I can do that pretty ably.


Call a girl pretty, and she'll forget it in an hour. Call a girl ugly, and she'll remember it for the rest of her life.


Be careful what you show the world. you never know when the wolf is watching.


I've learned that almost anyone will help if you ask for it.


We have to be careful about creating more rules.
