What's a cult? It just means not enough people to make a minority.

  • -- Robert Altman 奥尔特曼



I want to clear my mind a little bit and give my mind a little bit of time to breathe so I can pinpoint or at least nail down feelings I'm having and that I've had for the last however long. I need to nail them down long enough to actually write about and elaborate on them.


As far as I know, only a small minority of mathematicians, even of those with Platonist views, accept the idea that there may be mathematical facts which are true but unknowable.


It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.


I love the fact that I can go out there on stage with a guitar and sing a song that means something to somebody.


No man is ever old enough to know better.


For I can raise no money by vile means.
