I have olive skin, so if I get pale, I look green. I have to tan.

  • -- Nicole Richie 妮可·里奇



Fake tan is really difficult to get right. When I was younger, I'd always do it wrong. I'd leave it on and forget to wash it off. So I embrace being pale. I like getting a tan, but I also think that if you're going to do it, it has to be gradual. I just work the pale thing now.


I can't give more than I have. It doesn't matter if I am the most beautiful person in the room. There is inevitably going to be somebody way shinier and more tan than my pasty self.


It is not these well-fed long-haired men that I fear, but the pale and the hungry-looking.


I can tan quickly. What takes people hours to do, I can tan in half an hour.
