People love as self-recognition what they hate as an accusation.

  • -- Elias Canetti 伊莱亚斯卡内蒂



Recognition of this kinship with the rest of the universe is necessary for understanding him, but his essential nature is defined by qualities found nowhere else, not by those he has in common with apes, fishes, trees, fire, or anything other than himself.


Not compromising the music, but there is a way, by just showing the people that you're sincere and honest with what you're doing, and by talking to them.


In recognition that any good idea is a fragile thing, you have to give it a few minutes to breath like a good red wine.


No people is wholly civilized where a distinction is drawn between stealing an office and stealing a purse.


I think what Calvinism may offer us is that God's in charge of his world.


I was a stubborn cuss, and I made some mistakes.
