In course of time my first novel appeared. It was a love story.

  • -- George Barr McCutcheon 乔治·巴尔·麦卡琴



These days I have to be extra nice in stores. It never fails that whenever I look as bad as I can possibly look or I am sort of cranky because the store is out of something, that is precisely the time when someone one will recognize me and say: 'I really like your show.'


I try to let go of the intellect and just tell the story. I only read the page I have in front of me on the screen. Then when the whole story is told, I print it, wait a week and read it.


You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it.


In drama, I think, the audience is a willing participant. It's suspending a certain kind of disbelief to try to get something out of a story.
