I definitely made it a point this week to not let up because in the past sometimes when I have won, the next week I have not quite played as well. I was maybe a little lazy, so this week I wanted to keep the routine normal.

  • -- Aaron John Baddeley 亚伦·约翰·巴德利



I definitely feel that a little weight has been lifted. Now I know the next time I'm in that position, I'll know I've gone ahead and won before, so it's going to give me confidence the next time I'm in the same position.


Lazy journalists, they'll read stuff and get a quote then ask the same question again hoping I'll say a similar thing; it's very tiresome.


There's definitely an obstacle in developing a brand for yourself that people can rely on when you're so eclectic.


I'm a bit of a coward, and lazy, oddly enough.
