This celebration here tells me that this work is not hopeless. I thank you for this teaching with all my heart and lift my glass to human solidarity, to the ultimate victory of knowledge, peace, good-will and understanding.

  • -- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi 圣捷尔吉



The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them, and lessens the threat of their difference.


Thank you, dear God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough. Thank you for the rain. And for the chance to wake up in three hours and go fishing: I thank you for that now, because I won't feel so thankful then.


We get a ton of email; everybody does now. It gives us a kind of a pulse that you can feel.We hear people saying, thank you for being fair, for being balanced.


The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding.


But from each crime are born bullets that will one day seek out in you where the heart lies.


His music was direct from his heart and brain in the purest form possible.
