Would that there were an award for people who come to understand the concept of enough. Good enough. Successful enough. Thin enough. Rich enough. Socially responsible enough. When you have self-respect, you have enough.

  • -- Gail Sheehy 希伊



Pick up any newspaper or magazine, open the TV, and you'll be bombarded with suggestions of how to have a successful life. Some of these suggestions are deeply unhelpful to our own projects and priorities - and we should take care.


Men build bridges and throw railroads across deserts, and yet they contend successfully that job of sewing on a button is beyond them. Accordingly, they don’t have to sew buttons.


The idea that one might derive satisfaction from his or her successful work, because that work is ingenious, beautiful, or just pleasing, has become ridiculed.


Our worldly successes cannot be guaranteed, but our ability to achieve spiritual success is entirely up to us, thanks to the grace of God.


People used what they called a telephone because they hated being close together and they were scared of being alone.


Some say we are responsible for those we love. Others know we are responsible for those who love us.


One must always be aware, to notice even though the cost of noticing is to become responsible.


The Turkish people are the friendliest I've ever met.
