The drama nerd comes out in me when I'm in a theater.

  • -- Philip Seymour Hoffman 菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼



I'm a huge nerd, I admit to that. I love to play video games, I love to read, and of course, I've gotta still get my studies in and all. I love to learn. But I also love to do stop motion animation with my little Lego figures. I love to play around on the computer with that.


The best job was when I was at drama school and I cleaned flats in the Barbican. I loved it. They were spotless anyway, so you'd just watch the telly and flick a duster around.


I'm a nerd. Total geek. I never went to homecoming or prom or anything.


Drama if I sing, drama if I don't sing. What do you do?
