I don't know how to be someone that you would miss.

  • -- Unknown 佚名



When you're young, you don't really know quite what you're aiming at. You're very impulsive and acting on impulse, which is very important and valuable. But you're kind of swimming in a blind sea. When you get older, you have more of a sense of direction.


I don't really know what is shocking. When you tell the story of a man who is beheaded, you have to show how they cut off his head. If you don't, it's like telling a dirty joke and leaving out the punch line.


Love is tested in so many ways. How do I articulate this? Two people are together. There are stakes, strife, struggles, all these things that make us fall for someone, love someone even more, leave someone.


I don't know how many more times I'll be in New England again. But I leave coach Belichick and those guys with a salute: 'I love you guys. I miss you. I'm out.'


When someone holds a knife to your throat it's easy to be scared. It's not hard to imagine what it would be like.


I would give you infinite cuddles if you properly consented me to do so.


Maybe making out for a few minutes would help us figure things out.


I cry a lot because I miss people.
