Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right.

  • -- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 甘地



What woman here is so enamored of her own oppression that she cannot see her heelprint upon another woman's face? What woman's terms of oppression have become precious and necessary to her as a ticket into the fold of the righteous, away from the cold winds of self-scrutiny?


What a curious phenomenon it is that you can get men to die for the liberty of the world who will not make the little sacrifice that is needed to free themselves from their own individual bondage.


Some values must be universal, like human rights and the equal worth of every human being.


They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.


Every social injustice is not only cruel, but it is economic waste.


The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
