A man's true character comes out when he's drunk.

  • -- Charlie Chaplin 查理卓别林



The first night was awful because I was so afraid, and I was never more afraid because it was going out of my character to be outgoing and to be vulnerable and to be out there and onstage. My hands were sweaty and I couldn't swallow, and I drank a bottle of wine to calm my nerves.


Well, everybody knew their character. I was the only one who didn't have a partner. I basically showed up when people got in trouble. Where I came from, I don't know. Nobody knows. But I would show up to help.


It's funny how many people will come to Vegas to see your show where they might not come out to see you unless you come to their hometown.


True nostalgia is an ephemeral composition of disjointed memories.


Tomorrow always comes, and today is never yesterday.


You know, it's just my dream came true.
