When I started modeling, I was definitely heavier. I was quite voluptuous in fact. I had a real baby face and baby fat. But I was a baby! I was told I had to get into better shape, but I'm quite stubborn so I didn't.

  • -- Rosie Huntington Whiteley 罗西·汉丁顿·惠特莉



Sometimes when things get kind of frantic, it helps to call my husband Steve, because I think he's got a real good sense of where everything's gonna be in a few years.


In all my work I like to convey the fact that I like cooks, that it's noble toil and that it is hard.


Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you.


I'm aware of the fact that a lot of talented people out there will never get this chance.
