I believe we should spend less time worrying about the quantity of books children read and more time introducing them to quality books that will turn them on to the joy of reading and turn them into lifelong readers.

  • -- James Patterson 詹姆斯·帕特森



We're journalists, so our default position is we're not writing editorial. We're trying to bring information to readers, viewers, so that they can make up their own conclusions.


I think you tell the story that has to be told. You tell the story that's the truth. You tell the story that readers will be interested in and should know about.


I'm a very determined businesswoman... I've got lots of things to do, and I don't have time to be classified as difficult, and I don't have time.


Why can we remember the tiniest detail that has happened to us, and not remember how many times we have told it to the same person.


Spending way too long worrying about what people think about me is a bad habit.


Stop worrying about pleasing others so much, do more of what makes you happy.
