I just tend to do things to myself that I don't realize I'm doing. Sometimes I bite my lip so that it splits and hurts, and yet I can't stop. And sometimes I'd play shows on the last run, I'd scratch my neck while I was singing, and I'd horrified to see these red streaks of blood after.

  • -- Fiona Apple 菲奥娜苹果



Sometimes laughing isn't the best judge of what's funny, 'cause I think there's a lot of things that are really funny that don't make you laugh, that don't make you physically, audibly make a noise, but is something that is much more powerful than that.


When younger, I was thin as a rail. As I've grown older, I've put on weight. I have continued to love myself in all those roles. Part of my spirituality, I always tell people, is to accept yourself for who you are.


What I want to bring back to superheroes with this project is a sense of play. Things have gotten so dreary. The heroes have gotten so ugly that even their muscles have muscles.


Everything we did was criticized. For about thirty years we lived with the world against us, accusing us of things we didn't do!


Now that I have children, I realize taking care of my children is more fun than anything in the whole world.


I don't think I've ever laid out a batch of songs that pick myself apart the way that these do.


They realize that spending millions to save billions is just good business.


I don't have a directorial overview, which sometimes is very helpful.
