I wanted to marry a girl just like my mom.

  • -- Michael Bergin 迈克尔·伯金



I've always been shocked and waiting-for-the-other-shoe-to-drop that a girl would ever talk to me, let alone want to marry me. They always seem to hold the power to me, and from my mother to my wife to my daughter, every time I try to really figure them out, and think I've got them pegged, I pay for it.


My parents did not have a perfect marriage. It was pretty good, but it was not perfect. My marriage is not perfect. My wife is, but I happen to be imperfect. However, that does not discount the fact that the definition of marriage must be defended and protected.


You deserved to be loved. And I hope you get to marry for love and not a number.


College is a place to keep warm between high school and an early marriage.
