I had success early. And then I struggled for like three or four years, didn't live up to my expectations or probably the expectations of other people. It was frustrating at times and it was hard at times, but I really felt that my relationship with the Lord helped me get through that.

  • -- Aaron John Baddeley 亚伦·约翰·巴德利



And when thy Lord took from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed, and made them testify touching themselves, ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They said, ‘Yes, we testify’---lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection, ‘As for us, we were heedless of this.’


My career has suddenly started to be the one that I'd always wanted, not in terms of level of success, but in terms of - and this is what I've been banging on about - playing different parts in different media.


Don't be distracted by criticism. Remember ~ the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.


It's more frustrating than discouraging. In all three losses, we turned the ball over way too much.


You know you have more to offer, and it gets frustrating when you aren't given the chance.


Patience is power; with time & patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown.


However, I spent most of my time in a Quaker school.


The Lord survives the rainbow of His will.
