The foreign accent was a promise, and indeed, all over the country, European imports added spice to the sciences, the arts, and other areas. What one had to give was not considered inferior to what one received.

  • -- Rudolf Arnheim 鲁道夫·阿恩海姆



She goes on the set with headphones and gives you notes. She's terrific and I always run to her now, because she is just great to work with, as well as very good at different accents.


I remember as a kid having the offer of a scholarship, that it was going to be like going to Mars, and deciding to stay in my public school.


It is much better to promise nothing and try and give everything... Than promise everything and give nothing at all....


There is just one thing I can promise you about the outer-space program - your tax-dollar will go further.


I can do accents really well.


I was a loser in high school.
