You have to understand that once an indictment has been signed, all countries that are signature to the U.N. charter will hand a person straight over. You don't have to go through the normal extradition process.

  • -- Tony Greig 托尼·格雷格



I have come to understand and appreciate writers much more recently since I started working on a book last fall. Before that, I thought golf writers got up every morning, played a round of golf, had lunch, showed up for our last three holes and then went to dinner.


But now I feel off the grid. I feel that I am not part of the culture. And because I don't have a car I don't really go anywhere to buy things. In fact, I have been in a slow process of selling and giving away everything I own.


When we grow up we all will understand that we have made mistakes which we are not proud of, but some of those are worth committing all.


In this life and death case, I felt Mrs. Schiavo should receive the fullest due process from our legal system.
