We set up one rule in our house, which is, 'Guests of guests cannot bring guests.' That rule was required because that happened one weekend, and we finally said, 'Okay, you know what? That's a little too much.'

  • -- Elizabeth Gilbert 伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特



I was just sitting in Target, just getting over my cold. I blew my nose and I see these people looking at me and kind of whispering and pointing. Finally, I went, 'Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong? Do I have a booger on my face and no one's telling me?' I'm just not used to it.


I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness. The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget.


The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there.


My performances have finally caught up with my ego.
