At every turn when there has been an imbalance of power, the truth questioned, or our beliefs and values distorted, the change required to restore our nation has always come from the bottom up from our people.

  • -- Unknown 佚名



There are no prescriptive solutions, no grand designs for grand problems. Life's solutions lie in the minute particulars involving more and more individual people daring to create their own life and art, daring to listen to the voice within their deepest, original nature, and deeper still, the voice within the earth.


It is not the reformer's function to inform people of the truth-- in most cases they already know it. It is his task, rather, as the name implies, to reform them, to change them in such away that they will accept and be guided by the truth that they know.


Look, I think Hispanic community - the values that resonate in our community are fundamentally conservative. They are faith, family and patriotism.


Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values.


I'm nowhere as tough as my father. I really think that I am more open to change than he was.


Reform, that we may preserve.
