We are now at a point in time when the ability to receive, utilize, store, transform and trasmit data -- the lowest cognitive form -- has expanded literally beyond comprehension. Understanding and wisdom are largely forgotten as we struggle under an avalanche of data and information.

  • -- Unknown 佚名



Wisdom and understanding can only become the possession of individual men by travelling the old road of observation, attention, perseverance, and industry.


We're smitten with technology. And we're afraid, like young lovers, that too much talking might spoil the romance. But it's time to talk.


People who know other people’s secrets can’t afford to do things that impair their ability to control their mouths.


If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation.


Charm is the ability to make someone else think that both of you are pretty wonderful.


History is the myth, the true myth, of man’s fall made manifest in time
