I know where I'm going to be, I'm not traveling here and there and everywhere. That didn't necessarily prompt me to it but it definitely opened up my mind of saying okay, maybe this is a good time to do this.

  • -- Nia Long 尼娅·朗



There have been some friendships lost over this. That's the most difficult for me. I find it very uncomfortable to know that I was at one time close friends with someone, and because of jealousies and misunderstandings and so on, these friendships have dissolved.


So you have to just be really careful and make sure that when a deal comes along, that it's like the right deal for you... not necessarily the most money, because you have to pay the record label that back in like record sales and stuff.


People don't need to necessarily see me in the jersey to understand who I am and what message I'm trying to get across with the things that I'm marketing.


Many times I wondered if I were truly carrying out God's plan for my life.


My movies are okay, but they're not my specials.
