I'd like to one day be featured on a list of inspirational people who have made a difference in the world, whether it be helping underprivileged people or putting an end to the poaching of wildlife in Africa.

  • -- Candice Swanepoel 坎蒂丝·斯瓦内普尔



So, you can set up an orchestra down this end of the railway station playing one particular area, and simultaneously at the other end something completely different going on. And in the middle they meet, or not, depending.


Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have made a lot of difference to my audience that I'm as bald as a billiard ball!


I see things like they've never been seen before. Art is an accurate statement of the time in which it is made.


There is no other way of writing a novel than to begin at the beginning at to continue to the end.


The legal difference between the sit-ins and the Freedom Riders was significant.


We did a whole fraternity house. We made them over.
