Too many writers are trying to write with too shallow an education. Whether they go to college or not is immaterial...a good writer needs a sense of the history of literature to be successful as a writer.

  • -- James Kisner 分析师詹姆斯·基斯纳



The key to any successful plan is buy-in from the public, and what this process has demonstrated is the importance of including citizens in formulating a consensus plan that preserves our beautiful refuge.


As many authors have said, if the writer is not surprised by events, then chances are that the reader will not be either, and grow bored.


I became very successful at a young age... I had lots of opportunities and lots of power and had no idea how to focus it.


I think the reason my stories have been so successful is that I have a strong sense of metaphor.


When you read a piece of writing that you admire, send a note of thanks to the author.


There are few successful adults who were not first successful children.
