I thought that by saying no and explaining my reasons my employer would abandon his social suggestions. However, to my regret, in the following few weeks, he continued to ask me out on several occasions.

  • -- Anita Hill 被提名大法官却遭希儿



At issue in the Hiss Case was the question whether this sick society, which we call Western civilization, could in its extremity still cast up a man whose faith in it was so great that he would voluntarily abandon those things which men hold good, including life, to defend it.


People make suggestions on what to say all the time. I'll give you an example; I don't read what's handed to me. People say, 'Here, here's your speech, or here's an idea for a speech.' They're changed. Trust me.


This week has been a long week with playing every other day and three-hour practices. So I think we were feeling a little fatigued in the third quarter. But we regrouped and got the job done.


Eight shows a week is daunting, and it can be terrifying. But it just instills such a sense of confidence and growth.


We are not abandoning our convictions, our philosophy or traditions, nor do we urge anyone to abandon theirs.


My suggestion is that we should first work to ensure the Third World has clean drinking water and sanitation.
