This dapper little mouse that wore such cute clothes and said such interesting things, yeah. I thought it was a great idea to have a mouse like that in your family, so now I get to see what it was like.

  • -- Geena Davis 吉纳·戴维斯



Golf isn't first on my list anymore. There are a lot of things ahead of golf and I have to go ahead and do those things so I can play golf. I'm tired of hurting. Tired of fighting pain.


Fear is an interesting thing. It has a place in all of our lives. I try to be as fearless as possible. I don't always succeed, but I like to think I try.


Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.


He who makes a mouse of himself, will be eaten by the cats.


The mouse is knowing, but the cat more knowing.


Love is an interesting thing.
