I will not do a role that I don't think I can do, that I'm not interested in, where there's no humanity, that doesn't have any kind of handle for me at all because I know I'll just stink the joint up.

  • -- Ron Perlman 罗恩·帕尔曼



I have an office in my house and one about five minutes from my house. I worked solely out of my house for many years, but find, with children, that I have to be in a different ZIP code to think.


I think we always kind of look forward to seeing each other. Dolly and Jane are both so kind of optimistic and upbeat, you know?


I never really said I want to be a role model. But then when it happened I was so down for it.


I'm not normally the kind of person who holds on to grudges, I'm really not.


Slow thinking has the feeling of something you do. It's deliberate.


the role of the prime minister to court the press.
