I keep lists of names of people that I have met, a list of things to do day by day as well as a log of how my time is consumed throughout the day. It's a very important part of my personal discipline.

  • -- Bob Graham 鲍勃·格雷厄姆



People think that you can save calories by eating fewer meals a day, but it works just the opposite: the fewer meals you eat, the more counterproductive it becomes to you being able to lose weight.


Running. She was always running. Like a rabbit chased by coywolv. Always hunting for some new safe bolt hole, and every time, the soldier boys found her, and forced her to rabbit again.


Your home should be your home. People shouldn't be allowed to use whatever crazy lenses they use to catch you waking up in the morning.


No one can blow and swallow at the same time.
