Because, when I'm making music, I don't think about anything, you know? All I think about is what I want to hear. So that for me is what I want - I want my head to be constantly being rearranged.

  • -- Tom Jenkinson 汤姆·詹金森



Also, the commercial media in a superior position, really, to any other corporate lobby, because where would people hear about commercial media or corporate media criticism, where would they hear criticism of them other than in the commercial media?


To really be tortured by a song, it needs to be more than just something you don't like or don't get; it has to make your skin crawl by getting under it. Strangely, that last clause could describe provocative or daring music, as well.


I don't listen to music when I write. I need silence so I can hear the sound of the words.


Support music everyday. Because there isn't a day music won't be there to support you.
