Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way. You become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions.

  • -- Aristotle 亚里士多德



To act with common sense according to the moment, is the best wisdom I know; and the best philosophy is to do one's duties, take the world as it comes, submit respectfully to one's lot; bless the goodness that has given us so much happiness with it,


No beauty product is going to give you en surety about charm on your face. Its natural so natural ways can only help. Less tension , more laugh, more water.


Really the only thing holding a lot of records together is the personality of the singer, and the will to write all of these different things.


I think I did have fantasies about being an actor. In fact, I know I did.


To ridicule philosophy is really to philosophize.


I don't have the confidence to be a personality.
