You have a number of choices. You could continue to always fight against people who are really distractions. They're people in the cheap seats of life. Or you can do what you went there to do.

  • -- Clarence Thomas 克拉伦斯·托马斯



I just think that there are those people that their resolve is strengthened by what it is that's keeping them down, and there are some people that will buckle under it. You never know which one is which until you get into the eighth or ninth round of the fight.


I guess when we were up against it, we knew this album was going to be compared to all the classic early material, because it was going back to the original five.


I'm prepared to fight as hard as I can against unions entering the University on behalf of our students.


Seek that which within lies waiting to begin the fight of your life that is everyday.


You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? Yes. I'm the Half Blood Prince.


Never do anything for anyone who can just as well do it themself.
