It makes me proud, and it makes me scared. More than anything, I want to be an actor and I want to keep working, and I think there's a danger in being perceived as a poster boy for something.

  • -- Randy Harrison 兰迪·哈里森



At first, I was scared to show fear because you can never be sure how people will perceive you. But I dared myself to do that, to stand out. Now I'll talk about being beaten up or robbed or making a stupid decision because of a girl or whatever.


There's a lot of romanticisation of the intuitive actor and method acting and all kinds of notions about getting inside a character and coming out from there.


I was under contract to Paramount. They wanted to make me into somebody which I was not. So I got so scared and rebelled, so they threw me out of the studio.


They've been working really hard, and they've really changed their style of skiing from when they started.


Children are easily influenced, and I always want to do things I can be proud to show my kids someday.


You are either alive and proud or you are dead, and when you are dead, you can't care anyway.


When you're an actor, you're a slave to other people's visions.


What is the point of working all your life and then stopping?
