Communities need to feel that they can accommodate people. Rather than feeling that it's not possible to integrate and that the stress and strain on housing and public services is too great.

  • -- Theresa May 特蕾莎·梅



Al Qaeda is not the organization now that it was before. It is under stress organizationally. Its leadership spends more time trying to figure out how to keep from getting caught than they do trying to launch operations.


Tintinnabulation is an area I sometimes wander into when I am searching for answers - in my life, my music, my work. In my dark hours, I have the certain feeling that everything outside this one thing has no meaning.


The great accomplishments of man have resulted from the transmission of ideas and enthusiasm.


Feeling and longing are the motive forces behind all human endeavor and human creations.


I was born with a great gift, and sometimes with that comes a destructive streak.


How do I cope with stress? I clean and organize.
