At the end of the day, they're happy if you do the obvious songs towards the end of the set and you've got to try and make yourself happy by doing certain songs at the front end of the set.

  • -- Rick Allen 里克·艾伦



I've got a really hard election. If you had a really hard election and it was after Labor Day would you go to North Carolina to a bunch of parties and glad-handing or would you stay home and work as hard as you know how to convince Missourians they should rehire you?


If at any moment of the day I ever think I'm remotely cool at all, which is hardly ever, I have two daughters who make sure that never happens.


If you truly love someone you'll  want them to be happy even if it's not with you.


You should save the best part of yourself for the person who deserves you.


When you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself.


There are no happy times at Happy Times .
