Whether the ice caps melt, or expand - whatever happens - the anthropogenic global warming theorists claim it confirms their theory. A perfect example of a pseudo-science like astrology.

  • -- Frank J. Tipler 弗兰克·提普勒



For example, a breakthrough in better batteries could supplant hydrogen. Better solar cells could replace or win out in this race to the fuel of the future. Those, I see, as the three big competitors: hydrogen, solar cells and then better batteries.


Another example of the educational inequality is the current debate over publicly financed school vouchers which will provide educational opportunities to a privileged handful, but deprive public schools of desperately needed resources.


Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls and persuade themselves that they have a better idea.


No one is perfect that is why understanding is so important.


But sometimes imperfect tools lead us toward perfect ends.


When something awful happens, sometimes people get stuck.
