There was a great deal of peer recognition to be gained in elementary school by being able to draw well. One girl could draw horses so well, she was looked upon as a kind of sorceress.

  • -- Chris Van Allsburg 克里斯·凡·艾斯伯格



If you ask any great player or great quarterback, there's a certain inner confidence that you're as good as anybody. But you can't say who is the absolute best. To be considered is special in itself.


When I sit down to write a song, it's a kind of improvisation, but I formalize it a bit to get it into the studio, and when I step up to a microphone, I have a vague idea of what I'm about to do.


I do have a blurred memory of sitting on the stairs and trying over and over again to tie one of my shoelaces, but that is all that comes back to me of school itself.


When schools produce students who learned to think on the left or on the right, they're not thinking for themselves.


To work on great material, what you really end up working on is yourself, your own humanity.


I don't find any kind of tension very productive, I find it destructive, actually.
