Some of the best ideas I get seem to happen when I'm doing mindless manual labor or exercise. I'm not sure how that happens, but it leaves me free for remarkable ideas to occur.

  • -- Chuck Palahniuk 恰克·帕拉尼克



I accept extinction as best explaining disjoined species. I see that the same cause must have reduced many species of great range to small, and that it may have reduced large genera to so small, and of families.


We owe it to the flood victims of New Orleans to give them truthful answers as to why this event took place and to assure our citizens that tragedies like this will never happen again.


An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: What does happen is that the opponents gradually die out.


You're going to be happy and you're going to fall life isn't perfect but that's what makes it best of all.


I would say I'd rather dig a ditch, you know, do hard, manual labor than write lyrics.


Every decade needs its own manual of handicraft.
