What is a normal childhood? We weren't rich, we were pretty middle-class. My dad survived from job to job; with him taking care of so many relatives, he couldn't save any money.

  • -- Charlie Sheen 查理·辛



I am among the few who continue to draw after childhood is ended, continuing and perfecting childhood drawing - without the traditional interruption of academic training.


In time your relatives will come to accept the idea that a career is as important to you as your family. Of course, in time the polar ice cap will melt.


You have to go through the falling down in order to learn to walk. It helps to know that you can survive it. That's an education in itself.


That is why it's so fun to make movies... you get to do lots of things you would never do in your normal life.


Relatives are the worst friends, said the fox as the dogs took after him.


I've always reverted to a sense of childhood, just in everyday life.


Any good society survives on a circulation of favours.


I was a normal kid. I can't explain how normal I was.
