And after I compose my programs, but it is very easy because I look to the music in a very natural way without fuss, and so I look always music, in my home, like books and books and books, choose books and you read the pages, so I do this with music, and I make programs.

  • -- Victoria De Los Angeles 洛杉矶维多利亚



I don't spend a lot of time thinking about dying, but I like to think that I've - if it did occur - that I would die peacefully and not make too much of a fuss about it.


It is still true that it is easier to compose a poem in the form of a manual for adjusting a VCR than it is to write a piece using just tuning as a symphony.


When I vacate this sack of old bones I won't care what you do with it. Bury or burn it but don't make much fuss.


I am my own secretary; I dictate, I compose, I copy all myself.
