The more workers you have in your organization, the better you are implanted in the working class, the more likely you are to come up with the concrete problems of the class.

  • -- Ernest Mandel 曼德尔



It's a matter of reducing the work to its very simplest possible state, eliminating all of the things that lead away from the guts of the work, the thing the work is really about. Anything that's there must build towards its over-all organization and meaning.


I'm not saying that more performance wouldn't be better - all these technologies are going to get better - that's the difference between first generation and second generation.


Hence, within the space of two generations there has been a complete revolution in the attitude of the trades-unions toward the women working in their trades.


My first novel was a challenge to myself. No one had an inkling that I was working on it.


The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.


If you treat me right, i'll treat you better.
