Success consists in being successful, not in having potential for success. Any wide piece of ground is the potential site of a palace, but there's no palace till it's built.

  • -- Fernando Pessoa 费尔南多·佩索阿



The hardest thing to find in life is balance - especially the more success you have, the more you look to the other side of the gate. What do I need to stay grounded, in touch, in love, connected, emotionally balanced? Look within yourself.


Men don't avoid successful women because they're jealous; they often do it to avoid being in competition with her next job promotion.


Kids can be born with potential but unless it's encouraged - pushed, even - I don't think it will ever come to fruition.


I don't think the potential for comics in nonfiction has been exploited nearly as much as it could be.


I find my greatest pleasure, and so my reward, in the work that precedes what the world calls success.


It's our nature: Human beings like success but they hate successful people.
