A woman's life can really be a succession of lives, each revolving around some emotionally compelling situation or challenge, and each marked off by some intense experience.

  • -- Wallis Simpson 沃利斯·辛普森



My ambition was to stop waiting tables. That was how I measured success: finally, I was able to stop waiting tables, and I was able to pay the rent, and that was by being a stand-up comic. Not a very good stand-up comic, but good enough to make a living.


The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term, is the indispensable prerequisite for success.


True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. it is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows.


I've never for a second felt like my job has been more of a struggle because I'm a woman.
