It can be sad how time may change things in our lives, yet let us not forget we always maintain the power to choose whether or not to be happy about the changes it brings.

  • -- Mark W. Boyer 马克·W·博伊尔



Every time I flicked channels, there I was, talking. I was talking too much and writing too little. So Naomi and I went to Hawaii. The phone was cut off and we lost touch. This gave me the chance to have a good think about my life.


So, first you have to be able to play with a metronome. Then you take your freedom. If you play in an orchestra, you got to watch the conductor, he is like a metronome, but it is more difficult because he can change rhythms.


Women can't do everything at the same time, we need to understand milestones in our lives comes in segments.


Design can change how you look at yourself.
